Please let us know for your intentions to use the SPA center at least 1 hour and a half preor your arrival, because due the COVID-19 the restriction of space usage is 6 people at once. In the spa center there are individual lockers, equipped with a towel and a sheet. We have a free mineral water despenser. Please bring your own slippers.

Price list of services in Relax-center "Noviz:

Sauna or steam bath - 1 person - BGN 15
Infrared cabin - 1 person - BGN 15, for a single visit and when using the other facilities (sauna, steam bath) - BGN 10
Infrared cabin - 2 people - BGN 20
Sauna and steam bath - 1 person - BGN 20
Sauna or steam bath - 2 people - BGN 27
Sauna and steam bath - 2 people - BGN 36
Sauna or steam bath for more than two people - BGN 12 per person
Sauna and steam bath for more than two people - BGN 16 per person
Card for 10 visits to a sauna, steam or infrared cabin BGN 120, valid for 3 months
The relaxation center is used within 90 minutes by a visitor.
In the relaxation center, up to 6 people are allowed to use the sauna/steam bath.
Full massage BGN 60
Partial massage BGN 45
To use the relaxation center, at least 1 hour's advance request is required.

Massages must be requested at least 1 day in advance